
Professor Melissa McCormick's New York Met Genji Exhibit Named One of 2019's Finest

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated

The Washington Posts' Sebastian Smee named Professor Melissa McCormick's Tale of Genji exhibit (March 5-June 16, 2019) at the New York Metropolitan Art Museum among the top five art exhibits of the year. 

This revelatory show examined the impact on Japanese art and culture of the book often described as the first novel ever written. Its author, Lady Murasaki, has long had the status of a goddess in Japan. The exhibition, which contained one incredibly rare and beautiful object after another, paid tribute to her. Even better, it created a mood of amorousness, ambivalence, intimacy and fade-out that will stick in my mind for decades to come.

A link to complete article can be found here.