Imaginative Mapping: Landscape and Japanese Identity in the Tokugawa and Meiji ErasNobuko Toyosawa Manga from the Floating World: Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan, Second Edition, With a New PrefaceAdam L. Kern Becoming Taiwanese: Ethnogenesis in a Colonial City, 1880s-1950s Evan N. Dawley Lost Histories: Recovering the Lives of Japan’s Colonial PeoplesKirsten L. Ziomek Aesthetic Life: Beauty and Art in Modern JapanMiya Elise Mizuta Lippit The Korean Buddhist Empire: A Transnational History, 1910–1945Hwansoo Ilmee Kim Word Embodied: The Jeweled Pagoda Mandalas in Japanese Buddhist ArtHalle O’Neal Give and Take: Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern JapanMaren A. Ehlers The Anime Boom in the United States: Lessons for Global Creative IndustriesMichal Daliot-Bul Ennobling Japan’s Savage Northeast: Tōhoku as Japanese Postwar Thought, 1945–2011Nathan Hopson ページ送り 前ページ 先頭ページ 1 ページ 2 カレントページ 3 ページ 4 … 最終ページ 5 次ページ