Out of the Alleyway: Nakagami Kenji and the Poetics of Outcaste FictionEve Zimmerman From Foot Soldier to Finance Minister: Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan’s KeynesRichard J. Smethurst War and Faith: Ikko Ikki in Late Muromachi JapanCarol Richmond Tsang Love after The Tale of Genji: Rewriting the World of the Shining PrinceCharo B. D’Etcheverry Practices of the Sentimental Imagination: Melodrama, the Novel, and the Social Imaginary in Nineteenth-Century JapanJonathan E. Zwicker Advertising Tower: Japanese Modernism and Modernity in the 1920sWilliam O. Gardner The Ethos of Noh: Actors and Their ArtEric C. Rath The United Nations in Japan's Foreign and Security Policymaking, 1945-1992: National Security, Party Politics, and International StatusLiang Pan Practical Pursuits: Takano Choei, Takahashi Keisaku, and Western Medicine in Nineteenth-Century JapanEllen Gardner Nakamura Gendering Modern Japanese HistoryBarbara Molony ページ送り 前ページ 先頭ページ 1 … ページ 8 ページ 9 カレントページ 10 ページ 11 ページ 12 … 最終ページ 5 次ページ