26th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Graduate Conference: "Mirrors: Contemplating Asia"
The 26th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Conference hosts graduate students working across all disciplines to exchange ideas and discuss their research related to Asia. In addition to receiving feedback from their peers and leading academics, participants have the opportunity to meet others doing similar research and forge new professional relationships.
The theme of this year’s conference is: Mirrors: Contemplating Asia. The committee selected “mirrors” as a motif to invite reflection, introspection, retrospection, discussion, etc. about Asian Studies. The papers presented include scholarship that contemplates Asia from fresh perspectives while also reflecting upon conventional frameworks and methodologies from various perspectives and disciplines.
Please refer to the conference schedule and abstract booklet for details. Further information can be found on the HEAS website.
This conference is organized by Harvard East Asia Society, co-sponsored by Harvard University Asia Center, Fairbank for Chinese Studies, GSAS Student Council, Korea Institute, Reischauer Institute, and Weatherhead Center Program on U.S.-Japan Relations