The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies will award competitive summer research grants for Harvard undergraduates in the humanities or social sciences for research and/or fieldwork, relating directly to a senior honors thesis in an area of Japanese studies. Typically, the period of research is 2 months, but this may vary. Applicants must be in good academic standing and have completed at least two years of Japanese language study or have comparable proficiency; in the case of exceptionally strong projects, more limited language background may be considered. It is important that applicants begin drafting research proposals early, in close consultation with their professor(s). Applicants should give their recommenders a copy of their proposal to read before letters of recommendation are written.
Important note: The RIJS will follow Harvard University travel guidance when determining funding eligibility.
Hear about Koji Everard's (History '21) thesis research in Hokkaido:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 16, 2024 by 11:59 PM EST on CARAT