The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies (RIJS) will offer a limited number of Wintersession Graduate Research Grants to Harvard graduate students in the humanities or social sciences whose work focuses on Japan and who have already done preliminary research on their topic. Preference will be given to GSAS students in Japanese studies. Applicants should explain why wintersession research is preferable to summer research. This should be addressed in the proposal and supported by the letter of reference. In principle, applicants should have completed at least three years of Japanese language study or have comparable proficiency in the language. Also in principle, wintersession research grants are intended to cover travel from Harvard to Japan and return. Please note: Students receiving a wintersession grant may be less likely to receive RIJS summer funding. Up to $3,000 in support may be requested and research must be a minimum of 2 weeks.
Please note that all support related to travel must follow current Harvard University travel guidelines and safety protocols before, during and after travel. Please see the following sites for the most up-to-date guidance: Harvard Travel Guidance and Harvard GSS COVID-19 Travel Advice.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, December 1, 2023 by 5:00pm EST on CARAT
(Applications may be considered after the December 1 deadline.)