
2024 March 20 (Wed) 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm | (In-Person only) | Tsai Auditorium (S010), Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge

Gender and Populist Nationalism in Asia

Panelist: HYAEWEOL CHOI , C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Studies, University of Iowa
Panelist: IZA DING , Associate Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University
Panelist: TANIKA SARKAR, Retired Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Visiting Professor, Ashoka University
Panelist: CHIZUKO UENO , Professor Emerita, The University of Tokyo, Ph.D in Sociology
Chair: ELIZABETH J. PERRY, Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute

Event description:

Popular nationalism is of growing importance across the globe, including Asia.  This interdisciplinary roundtable brings together distinguished scholars of India, China, Japan and Korea to consider the central role of gender in the popular nationalist movements of these countries.  How have different religious and cultural traditions shaped tensions between feminism and nationalism?  How do such tensions play out differently under different political contexts and social conditions?  From Hindu Nationalism in India to the Comfort Women controversy in Japan and Korea to the Me Too Movement in China, panelists will probe the complex connections between popular nationalism and conceptions of gender.

For further details, please click here.

Harvard-Yenching Institute Roundtable co-sponsored with the Harvard University Asia Center, the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, and the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies