A collection of images captured in different places at the same time...
Dasha Bough ('21) spent the summer of 2019 in Volgograd, Russia filming a documentary about a babushka named Galiya. Sky Araki Russell ('20) spent the same summer with the babas (grandmas) and jijis (grandpas) of Tenryu-mura, a rapidly aging rural hamlet in central Japan. Taken together, the exhibit's images and text paint a picture of colorful lives being lived in two very different corners of the world. Although the stories are each unique and settings vastly disparate, the snapshots share the hushed beauty, unassuming poetry, and outrageous humor found in the mundane.
Co-sponsored by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University.
Click the following links to learn more about Sky's time in Japan and Dasha's time in Russia. This exhibit is also available on Google Arts & Culture.
Photographs by Dasha Bough (College '21) and Sky Araki Russell (College '20).
Curated by Wei-Hsuan Jenni Ting, Stacie Matsumoto, and Gavin Whitelaw.