
16th Annual OIE International Photo Contest

Reischauer Institute Special Prize winning image "Walk on a Rainy Day," Eunsoo Oh '22 (taken in Fukuoka, Japan)

On Friday, February 7, 2020, the winners of the 16th Annual International Photo Contest were announced. This award ceremony and reception, hosted by the Office of International Education (OIE), featured photographs from Harvard College students who have studied, worked, interned, or done research abroad. The Reischauer Institute Special Prize was awarded to Eunsoo "Jen" Oh, a sophomore concentrating in Philosophy and History of Art & Architecture with her photograph titled “Walk on a Rainy Day,” taken in Fukuoka, Japan.

Additionally, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Special Prize was awarded to Andrew Zhang, a sophomore from studying Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology whose winning photo was taken in Miyajima while participating in the Reischauer Institute’s Japan Summer Science Undergraduate Research Program in Hiroshima.