Keyao Pan (RIJS Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-22) Featured on Journal of Open Humanities Data Twitter Page
Keyao Pan was featured today on the Twitter page of the Journal of Open Humanities Data for his recently published paper "Networking for Historical Justice: The Application of Graph Database Management Systems to Network Analysis Projects and the Case Study of the Reparation Movement for Japanese Colonial and Wartime Atrocities." Dr. Pan was a 2021-22 Postdoctoral Fellow in Japanese Studies at RIJS and is now the Assistant Professor of Digital History at Florida International University. Through his research project, he created the database to better document and analyze the transnational reparation movement for victims of Japanese colonial and wartime atrocities. A visualization of the lawsuits and lawyers in the movement using the data examined in the article can be viewed on the left.
For the tweet, please visit:
For the article, please visit: