
Keyao Pan (RIJS Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-22) Publishes Article in Journal of Open Humanities Data

Keyao Pan, Reischauer Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-22, recently published an article titled "Networking for Historical Justice: The Application of Graph Database Management Systems to Network Analysis Projects and the Case Study of the Reparation Movement for Japanese Colonial and Wartime Atrocities" in the Journal of Open Humanities Data. Using the reparation movement for Japanese colonial and wartime atrocities as a case study, this paper explores the applicability of graph database management systems to network analysis research and teaching in the field of digital humanities. Dr. Pan received his Ph.D. in History from the University of Chicago in 2021 and will be joining Florida International University as the Assistant Professor of Digital History this fall.

The full text can be found here: