
Kosuke Imai publishes article in Nikkei Shimbun about Algorithm-Assisted Redistricting Methodology (ALARM) Project

Professor Kosuke Imai of the Department of Statistics and Government recently published an article on Nikkei Business about his recent Algorithm-Assisted Redistricting Methodology "ALARM" Project. Launched this past year, this research project to apply redistricting computational algorithms to Japan’s House of Representatives. With Reischauer Institute support, Prof. Imai was able to work with several Harvard undergraduates and a Keio University undergraduate. To date, they have completed analysis of 10 prefectures with the goal of expanding their analysis to all remaining prefectures in the near future and assessing the partisan bias of the newly enacted districting plans.

The initial results of the group’s analysis of their first 10 prefectures are publicly available at the project website of 47都道府県選挙区割シミュレーション. This website features a map of Japan that allows users to click on each prefecture and view each prefecture's results. The code and data used to produce these results are also publicly available on Harvard Dataverse, which allows other researchers to replicate and extend the project’s results. Prof. Imai and two undergraduate students, Kento Yamada (Harvard) and Sho Miyazaki (Keio), gave a poster presentation of the research at a conference of the Japanese Society of Quantitative Political Science, held at Waseda University in July 2022.

The article can be found here: