Japan Reborn: Race, Sex and Eugenics from World War to Cold War
Speaker: KRISTIN ROEBUCK, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Howard Milstein Faculty Fellow, Cornell University
Moderator: DAVID HOWELL, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of Japanese History and Acting Director, Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University
Border of Water and Ice: The Yalu River and Japan's Empire in Korea and Manchuria
Speaker: JOSEPH SEELEY, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Virginia
Chair: VICTOR SEOW, John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Harvard University
Title TBD
Speaker: SATOMI YAMAMOTO, Professor of Japanese Art History; Associate Director, Waseda Institute of Advanced Studies, Waseda University
Moderator: MELISSA MCCORMICK, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Japanese Art and Culture, Harvard University
Selling the Future: Community, Hope, and Crisis in the Early History of Japanese Life Insurance
Speaker: RYAN MORAN, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Utah
Moderator: DAVID HOWELL, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of Japanese History and Acting Director, Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University
Citizenship and Multiculturalism in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Marriage Migration in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan
Speaker: MARGARITA ESTÉVEZ-ABE, Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Syracuse University
Moderator: SUSAN PHARR, Edwin O. Reischauer Research Professor of Japanese Politics; Senior Advisor, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University
Sounds and Soundscapes in Japanese Studies
Speaker: TBD
Moderator: SHIGEHISA KURIYAMA, Reischauer Institute Professor of Cultural History; Director, Reischauer Institute, Harvard University
Associates' Panel: Social Policy Agenda and Innovations
Panelist: MASAMI FUJIOKA, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Panelist: NAGISA OSAKI, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; House of Representatives
Panelist: MINATO SATO, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; Fukuoka District Court
Discussant: DANIEL ALDRICH, Professor, Political Science and Public Policy, Northeastern University
Moderator: DAVID HOWELL, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of Japanese History and Acting Director, Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University
Title TBD
Speaker: HALLE O'NEAL, Reader in History of Art, University of Edinburgh
Moderator: RYŪICHI ABÉ, Reischauer Institute Professor of Japanese Religions, Harvard University
Associates' Panel: Economic Security and International Trade
Panelist: SHIN EGISHI, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.
Panelist: JEMMA KIM, Visiting Scholar, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University and Professor, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University
Panelist: KAZUTOSHI SUZUKI, Visiting Scholar, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University and Professor, Sophia University
Discussant: KRISTIN VEKASI, Associate Professor, School of Policy & International Affairs, University of Maine
Moderator: DAVID HOWELL, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of Japanese History and Acting Director, Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University
Associates' Panel: New Security Challenges and Policy Responses
Panelist: HIROYUKI KOBAYASHI, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Panelist: TAKESHI KOJIMA, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; National Police Agency
Panelist: TAKAYUKI SUGIMOTO, Associate, Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University; Former Vice Admiral, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force; Senior Fellow, Harvard University Asia Center
Discussant: JENNIFER LIND, Associate Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Moderator: DAVID HOWELL, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of Japanese History and Acting Director, Weatherhead Center Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University